Meet your instructors!

Kelsey McKay is the President of RESPOND Against Violence and McKay Training & Consulting, LLC. Ms. McKay trains and consults nationally to strengthen how communities collaborate, investigate, and prosecute strangulation, sexual violence, and intimate partner violence cases. She develops experts to testify and trains on the implementation of a strangulation supplement and community collaboration.

Meet your instructors!

Scott Hampton has been working with batterers, sex offenders, victims, and child witnesses for 30 years. Dr. Hampton is the director of Ending the Violence, a Dover, NH-based organization that provides educational classes to perpetrators of domestic and sexual violence. He is also the project coordinator for Strafford County NH’s Supervised Visitation Center. Dr. Hampton writes and speaks frequently on issues related to interpersonal violence. He spends much of his time consulting with other professionals on the handling of domestic and sexual violence cases, conducting workshops, and testifying in court as an expert witness in interpersonal violence-related cases. Dr. Hampton is a past president of the National Supervised Visitation Network, a peer reviewer for the U.S. Dept. of Justice, and has been serving on NHs Domestic Violence Fatality Review Committee since its inception in the late 1990s.