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About the Course

Drowning, strangulation, and suffocation are leading causes of death across the lifespan. But without obvious signs of external trauma, homicides resulting from asphyxiation are often missed or mislabeled. Whether called a suicide, natural cause, or a tragic accident, intent can rarely be determined without a deeper investigation. This webinar introduces insight that the criminal justice system can use to catch a killer.

Meet Your Instructor!

Kelsey McKay is the President of RESPOND Against Violence and McKay Training & Consulting, LLC. Ms. McKay trains and consults nationally to strengthen how communities collaborate, investigate, and prosecute strangulation, sexual violence, and intimate partner violence cases. She develops experts to testify and trains on the implementation of a strangulation supplement and community collaboration.

This course includes: 

Part 3 of The Strangulation Series. 

To enroll in the complete Strangulation Series click here